Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Long Hot Summer?

When I came home yesterday Judy was working out in the garden. The yellow onions, broccoli, brussels sprouts, peas, and other stuff were starting to pop up. The garden boxes she'd built & I'd put in last year were looking good.

She was also doing some random weeding around the boxes. While we were talking she must have pulled up a dozen oak and pine tree seedlings. Looking at them I had a flashback to childhood. I was reminded that when I was about 6 or 7 years old my sister Fran had tried to teach me and some of my friends about sex & procreation using the book - From Little Acorns.

Pulling me back out of that childhood reverie (at that age, being city street kids, we already knew about sex & where babies came from; as I recalled the childhood incident I remembered how frustrated Fran was when we laughed at her and made obnoxious little boy comments), Judy showed me the seedlings with the acorn shell still attached.

Judy said the proliferation of pine and oak seedlings indicated a long, hot summer up here in the northeast. It's a prediction. It'll be interesting to see if it bears out.