Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Job and Other Changes

I just realized it's been a month since I've last posted. During that time I started a new job (two weeks ago) and wrote an essay entitled Gain Through Loss. The first three weeks of June were weird, to say the least. I went to two weekend dance festivals, left my old job and started a new one. My head was swirling. At one point I felt like my life was out of my control, almost like I was living someone else's life and not my own. Things have settled down but it's been quite a ride.

In my new position I'm the director of training for the dept. of youth services. It's still a state job, although I now work for an entirely different state agency. Believe me, I am still adjusting. It's a whole different culture working with people who work with juvenile delinquents instead of working with people who work with people with mental retardation. I'm on a huge learning curve that I can't even begin to explain.

Instead of working in/out of Boston, I rarely ever go there. I'm now located in a rural area of central Mass. It was explained to me by a friend that where I work is in a micro-climate. By that I mean when severe weather cuts across central Mass., right where I work gets it the worst. We've already had a couple thunderstorms come thru there that caused the sky to turn so black I began to wonder if day'd turned into night. Come winter it should get quite interesting.

Anyway, things have settled down for now. I'm looking forward to a couple dance festivals coming up, including one that's a dance camp as well as a festival. Should be a good summer. Plus, in early November Judy and I are to go to Bermuda for a week. I suspect that either before the winter sets in or just after it ends, I'll be moving (again). The way things are shaping up, we're looking to solidify our surroundings. More about that later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a smile on your face, I'm so happy for you.


9:26 PM  

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